Monday, May 18, 2009

Trip to Oregon

After graduation, we headed back in a 4 car caravan by way of eastern Oregon. Our first night we had a gorgeous evening with friends in Lostine, OR amid the cows and birds and twilight.

The next day we toured around Joseph, OR and went to a bronze sculpture gallery and saw how the sculptures were made. Quite a process!

After we returned home, we managed to visit with a bunch of family, take a cruise on the Willamette River, and go to the dentist. It was a relaxing trip and ended too quickly.

Check the link for a ton of gorgeous photos:


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Whitworth Grad

We traveled from Oregon to Spokane, WA in a 3 car caravan, stopping frequently for potty breaks and snacks. Spokane was not as dinky and desolate as I had imagined. It actually had a quaint, almost hip vibe at times. The graduation was long, but not unenjoyable. It was nice to be a part of it and even better to see where Theran had been spending the last few years. Whitworth itself is tucked off the main road under tall trees. It would be a nice place to study. So glad that we could be a part of it all.

Theran's Grad