Saturday, April 11, 2009

April Party

Yesterday T and I hosted a party for friends from church and school.

Last week was so beautiful in terms of weather, but when Monday of this week rolled around- rain, and lots of it. Then Tuesday- snow. Wednesday- snow! Thursday was cold and drizzly and Friday was supposed to be more of the same. But, during our BBQ, we had perfect weather! Pretty amazing.

We had "corn-holer"- one of the most popular WV games, it's like bean-bag toss, Frisbee, and bocce ball.

Food- enchiladas, ham, pizza, crispy hot dogs (I'm out of practice w/ grilling), chicken shish-ka-bobs, pasta side dishes, and CHOCOLATE CAKE! ;)

When it got dark, we came inside and played Guitar Hero and Singstar.

It was a good time.

(Bring on Spring, Bring on Easter!, Yay for April)


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  1. To check out photos, go to:
